Our new web page

Our web presence at UNR has been slowly strangled by overzealous, Procrustean insistence on ADA compliance and administrative marketing. Making our web resources fully available / ADA compliant is a good thing, but UNR did this by removing many of their web resources and preventing faculty and departments from generating web content through UNR. But... » read more

End of the week and end of the semester

I’ve been teaching the second semester of sophomore organic this spring and we’re wrapping up the material in the next few classes. Many of the students are working hard and doing well, but I have the sense that, in general, student’s backgrounds are weaker. In particular, they are struggling with the basic concepts of Lewis... » read more

Welcome to our new web page

We now have a web presence at kingchem.org . The server is a digital ocean droplet running wordpress. Hopefully it will soon also host our wiki page, but we need to set up media wiki still. And we don’t yet have https running quite right…I think we’re waiting for the DNS to catch up, etc.