Fall 2024

Group (Tuesdays 3:00 – 5:00 pm; CB110)

Proposal, thesis, and practice presentations are formal and should be in near-final form. Slides are complete, polished, and have references.

Research talks should give background and new results that highlight recent progress. Slides should be thoughtfully prepared, as they are the basis for future formal talks.

Literature talks should go in-depth into a topic, perhaps a single paper, with an critical analysis of the work done. The underlying science (e.g., mechanisms in a synthesis or methodology paper) should be emphasized. Make sure to explain the advance that makes the paper important. Select papers that are relevant and from leading journals, and then run by Ben for approval.

Remember that connecting to the display in CB110 is wonky. Ensure that your presentation works before the meeting so we can start on time each meeting time.

27 Auglab cleanup and safety inspections
3 SeptGabe proposal presentation
1 OctBenrecord keeping and lab safety
8Johnproposal presentation
15IfeanyiResearch Goals and Update
29AnastasiaResearch Goals and Update
5 NovTolaniResearch Goals and Update
Research Goals and Update
Research Goals and Update
19GabeThe Anionic Elbs Reaction
26JohnLB and LS Transfers of 2D Polymers to Substrates
2 DecIfeanyiThe Reduction/Cyclization Route to Extended Iptycenes
10AnastasiaFunctionalization of 2D Polymers
17TolaniSeparations of Extended Iptycenes – Theory

Individual (Thursdays, CB331)

Individual reports are due every by 8 pm the day before your meeting.

Tolani Tuesdays 2 pm

John Friday 2 pm

Ifeanyi Monday 11 am

Gabe Friday 11:30 am

Anastasia Friday 11 a

Olivia Monday 1:15 pm

Last modified: October 7, 2024